Sticky Meat-Free Mince Satay Wraps

Ingredients: 1 lime 1/2 cucumber, chopped into sticks 25g chilli jam 25g honey 200g mince (Meatless farm mince) 15ml soy sauce 15ml Chinses rice wine (not essential) 26g peanut butter 15g ginger + garlic paste 1 carrot, grated 6 plain tortillas Method: Add 1 tbsp oil to a frying pan and cook off the mince.Continue reading “Sticky Meat-Free Mince Satay Wraps”

Garlic Mushroom Pasta

Ingredients: 2 onions, chopped 7 oz mushrooms, sliced a handful of cherry tomatoes, halved 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard 1/4 cup chicken stock 1/2 tsp lemon juice 1/2 cup grated parmesan salt + pepper, to taste 400g pasta, cooked Peas, to serve (optional) Method: In a saucepan, fry off your mushrooms andContinue reading “Garlic Mushroom Pasta”

Pizza Express Dough Balls

Ingredients: 150ml warm water 15g fresh yeast or 2 level teaspoons of dry yeast 225g of plain flour (plus extra for working) 1tsp of salt Pre-heat your oven on 200c Method: Add the sugar and yeast into the warm water. Mix and allow the mixture to stand in a warm place until froth develops onContinue reading “Pizza Express Dough Balls”