Bread Rolls

Ingredients: 500g bread flour 10 fl oz lukewarm water 1 oz melted butter 1.5 tsp salt 1 pack of yeast (10/11g) Follow the method in my YouTube video below:

Sweet Chicken Curry

Ingredients: (for the paste) 6tbsp tomato puree 4tbsp geek yogurt 4tbsp Mango Chutney 1.5 tsp Garam Masala 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt (for the curry) 4 chicken breast, diced 200-400ml water Double cream, to taste (for garnish) Chilli Coriander Banana, sliced Follow the method in my YouTube video below: How toContinue reading “Sweet Chicken Curry”