Caramelised onion, Goats cheese and Asparagus tart

Ingredients: 1 ready rolled puff pastry sheet (quartered) round goats cheese torn up (about 8 slices) 4 tbsp caramelised onion chutney 8 asparagus spears Pre-heat your oven on 200c Method: Place the 4 rectangles of pastry on a lined baking tray. Spread the onion chutney on the pastry, leaving a border all around the edges.Continue reading “Caramelised onion, Goats cheese and Asparagus tart”

Leek and Potato Soup?

Recipe under construction… Ingredients: 25g butter/margarine 50g onion 50g leek 1 litre of stock or water 400g peeled potatoes salt and pepper for seasoning Method: Melt the butter in a saucepan Add the onion and leek, cook for a few minutes until softened but do not colour. Add the stock and the potatoes. Season. SimmerContinue reading “Leek and Potato Soup?”