
The Veggie Diaries: Week 4

Friday 22.01.21Breakfast- Granola, Tea + an actimel (vegetarian)Lunch- Poached Eggs on Toast (vegetarian)Dinner- ‘Fish fingers’, Chips + Peas (vegan) Conclusion- DAY 22: Today I tried the Birdseye Veggie Fingers! They were really yummy, not like fish, just mushed up veggies in the shape of fish fingers. But a good alternative none the less. (note: the…

The Veggie Diaries: Week 3

Friday 15.01.21Breakfast- Black Coffee (vegan)Lunch- Poached Egg on Toast (vegetarian)Dinner- Garlic + Honey Tofu Rice Bowl (vegetarian) Conclusion- DAY 15: I have to say we FINALLY got the PERFECT poached eggs today!! They were amazing, so gooey and delicious.Ok so I final got the courage to try making tofu! I have been putting this off…

The Veggie Diaries: Week 2

Friday 08.01.21Breakfast- black coffee (vegan)Lunch- Nutella on toast (vegetarian)Dinner- Spagbol (vegan minus the garlic bread) Conclusion- DAY 8: Today I tried making Spagbol with Quorn Mince.. and it honestly tasted no different than when I have it with beef mince. I really enjoyed it, and actually felt better afterwards. It almost feels like a lighter…

The Veggie Diaries: Week 1

Friday 01.01.21Breakfast- Black Coffee (vegan)Lunch- Poached eggs and soldiers (vegetarian)Dinner- Chickpea Curry (vegan minus the soured cream) Conclusion- DAY 1: Hello guys and welcome to 2021! Another year and a fresh start. Day 1: This is the start of my vegetarian journey! I am super excited for this challenge, and honestly I am hoping to…

The Veggie Diaries: An Introduction

Hello guys and thanks for reading!It is currently Boxing Day 2020 and I am watching Forest Gump with my dad and boyfriend, while trying not to eat all of the food that surrounds me. I have decided that my New Year’s Resolution for 2021 will be that I will go Vegetarian for AT LEAST one…

4 Simple Steps to a Stress-free Christmas’s time to start thinking about the C word again!! CHRISTMAS!There are some who love Christmas and some who dread it! and it’s not hard to see why.I personally love Christmas, and always have! But as I have grown older I have stumbled across those understandable reasons some people are right Grinches! But by following…


To the home of SIMPLE. YUMMY. FOOD. I love all things to do with food and cooking, so I have decided that I want to share with you all, my simple yet yummy recipes. I am all about minimal ingredients (where possible, curries sometimes can’t help it…spices and all), simple instructions, and yummy home cooking. I am hoping to create some YouTube videos to go along side these recipes.As…

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