Slow-Cooker Teriyaki Chicken


  •  1 sachet of Teriyaki Seasoning
  • 3 chicken breasts (or 1 per person)
  • 1/4 cup water (more if required)


  1. Simply pop the chicken, teriyaki seasoning and water into the slow-cooker and pop on high for 5 hours (or low for 8 hours).
  2. Keep an eye on your chicken and flip over every now and then.
  3. Add more water if required, you want to keep the chicken moist, so don’t let it dry out.
  4. Once the 5 hours (or 8 hours) are up, your chicken should fall apart and be nice and easy to shred up with a fork.
  5. Shred it all up and give it a good stir so that it is all covered in the sauce.
  6. And it’s as easy as that! Just serve up! I serve mine with rice, cucumber, spring onions, coriander and poached eggs.

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