

  • 1 kg minced beef or turkey
  • 1 tin chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp tomato puree
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 beef stock cube
  • a handful of chopped mushrooms
  • 2 onions, finely diced
  • 1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
  • salt and pepper to season
  • mixed herbs to taste
  • water, to loosen
  • 80g spaghetti per person
  • 1 cup frozen peas (optional)


  1. Cook the onions and garlic and put to one side.
  2. Cook the mushrooms and add to the bowl of onions.
  3. Cook the mince.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients, and mix well. Adding a bit of water to loosen if needs be.
  5. Simmer for 30 minutes, or until the sauce has thickened.
  6. Serve with freshly cooked spaghetti and garlic bread.

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